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Community Programs and Services

HRMC is a vital part of the community; the hospital provides necessary medical services to every man, woman, and child that presents a need to the hospital, regardless of their ability to pay. HRMC provides $6 million in care for services in which the hospital is not compensated, and that number is expected to continue to increase. In addition to the provision of charity care, HRMC is also active in a variety of community programs and events such as Relay for Life, The Watermelon Festival, Hampton County Seniors program, and the local Chamber of Commerce. HRMC serves as an avid sponsor for support groups, including one focusing on breast cancer.

The hospital also participates in the Lowcountry CARES program, which provides services to indigent patients such as medical case management, free prescription medications, and assistance in enrollment to programs such as Medicaid and Medicare. HRMC conducted a 3-year program entitled SCREENINGS SAVES LIVES, a social marketing program that promoted screenings for diabetes and a variety of cancers. The program resulted in a 51% increase in screenings for mammography and a 47% increase in screenings for prostate cancer; these are two of the deadliest cancers to Hampton County residents. 

HRMC is a not for profit hospital governed by a community-based voluntary board of directors.